Home » Rebellious Lawyering and Julianne Hing, Journalist, Reporter and Author, The Nation and Colorlines

Rebellious Lawyering and Julianne Hing, Journalist, Reporter and Author, The Nation and Colorlines

Julianne 2

Note to Dems: Simply Not Being Racist Isn’t Enough on Immigration Reform

The GOP’s xenophobic carnival has set the political bar dangerously low for Democrats.

“First, the permeability of the border, a unified rallying point for Republicans, was not mentioned once last night. Rather, Sanders, Clinton, O’Malley, and Webb (Chafee never got in on the topic) all kicked to calls for ‘comprehensive immigration reform,’ which it should be noted, has been trapped in Congress for more than a decade….”

“Second, if anything showed just how far the mainstream debate on immigrant rights has been shoved to the right, it was the fact that Anderson Cooper thought he’d offer Clinton an opportunity to make news by asking about her position on in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants….”

“Third, there remain unresolved core questions about how the country will handle immigration when it’s time to turn rhetoric into policy….”

Click here to read Julianne Hing’s article Note to Dems in The Nation.

Any resemblance between the author and Bill Ong Hing is purely fortuitous, a coincidence….

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